Microsoft word - kansas history 7 planner with benchmarks.doc

Standard 4: Kansas, United States and World History
Benchmark 1: Settlement in Kansas before 1854

1. (A) compares and contrasts nomadic and sedentary tribes in Kansas (e.g., food, housing, art, customs). 2. (A) describes the social and economic impact of Spanish, French and American explorers and traders on the Indian tribes in Kansas. 3. (K) explains how Stephen H. Long’s classification of Kansas as the “Great American Desert” influenced later United States government policy on American Indian relocation. 4. ▲ (A) analyzes the impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 on the way of life for Kickapoo, Sac and Fox, Iowa, Delaware, Pottawatomie, Shawnee tribes relocated to Kansas (i.e., ▲loss of land and customary resources, ▲disease and starvation, ▲assimilation, ▲inter-tribal conflict). 5. (K) describes the role of early Kansas forts in carrying out the United States government’s policies in regards to relocated Indian tribes and travel on the Santa Fe and Oregon-California trails (e.g., Fort Leavenworth, Fort Scott, Fort Larned, and Ft. Riley). Benchmark 2: Kansas Territory and Civil War 1854-1865
1. (A) describes the concept of popular sovereignty under the Kansas-Nebraska Act and its impact on developing a state Constitution. 2. ▲ (K) describes how the dispute over slavery shaped life in Kansas Territory (i.e., ▲border ruffians, ▲bushwhackers, ▲jayhawkers, ▲the Underground Railroad, ▲free staters, ▲abolitionists). 3. ▲ (A) analyzes the importance of “Bleeding Kansas” to the rest of the United States in the years leading up to the Civil War (i.e., ▲national media attention, ▲caning of Senator Charles Sumner, ▲Emigrant Aid Societies, ▲Beecher Bible and Rifle Colony, ▲poems of John Greenleaf Whittier, John Brown). 4. (K) describes the role of important individuals during the territorial period (e.g., Charles Robinson, James Lane, John Brown, Clarina Nichols, Samuel Jones, David Atchison, Andrew H. Reeder). 5. (A) analyzes the Wyandotte Constitution with respect to the civil rights of women and African Americans. 6. (K) describes important events in Kansas during the Civil War (e.g., Quantrill’s Raid on Lawrence, the Battle of Mine Creek, recruitment of volunteer regiments). KANSAS HISTORY PLANNER
Benchmark 3: Kansas 1860’s – 1870’s
1. ▲ (K) describes the reasons for tension between the American Indians and the United States government over land in Kansas (i.e., ▲encroachment on Indian lands, ▲depletion of the buffalo and other natural resources, ▲the Sand Creek massacre, ▲broken promises). 2. (K) describes the United States government’s purpose for establishing frontier military forts in Kansas (e.g., protection of people, land, resources). 3. (A) determines the significance of the cattle drives in post-Civil War Kansas and their impact on the American identity (e.g., Chisholm Trail, cowboys, cattle towns). 4. (A) traces the migration patterns of at least one European ethnic group to Kansas (e.g., English, French, Germans, German-Russians, Swedes). 5. ▲ (K) describes the reasons for the Exoduster movement from the South to Kansas (i.e., ▲relatively free land, ▲symbol of Kansas as a free state, ▲the rise of Jim Crow laws in the South, ▲promotions of Benjamin “Pap” Singleton). 6. (K) explains the impact of government policies and the expansion of the railroad on settlement and town development (e.g., Preemption, Homestead Act, Timber Claim Act, railroad lands). 7. (A) uses primary source documents to determine the challenges faced by settlers and their means of adaptations (e.g., drought, depression, grasshoppers, lack of some natural resources, isolation). Benchmark 4: Kansas 1880’s – 1920’s
1. (A) describes the movement for women’s suffrage and its effect on Kansas politics (e.g., the fight for universal suffrage, impact of women on local elections). 2. ▲ (K) describes the development of Populism in Kansas (i.e., ▲disillusionment with big Eastern business, ▲railroads, ▲government corruption, ▲high debts and low prices for farmers). 3. (K) explains the accomplishments of the Progressive movement in Kansas (e.g., regulating the sale of stocks and bonds, workman’s compensation, inspection of meat processing plants, public health campaigns, prohibition). 4. (K) analyzes the impact of Kansas reformers on the nation (e.g., populists: Mary E. Lease, Annie Diggs, William Peffer, “Sockless” Jerry Simpson; progressives: Carry A. Nation, Samuel Crumbine, William Allen White, socialists: J.A. Wayland, Kate Richards O’Hare, Emanuel and Marcet Haldeman-Julius). KANSAS HISTORY PLANNER
5. (K) describes the significance of farm mechanization in Kansas (e.g., increased farm size and production, specialized crops, population redistribution). 6. (A) explains the significance of the work of entrepreneurial Kansans on the aviation industry (e.g., Alvin Longren, Clyde Cessna, Walter and Oliver Beech, Lloyd Stearman). 7. (A) describes the contributions made by Mexican immigrants to agriculture and the railroad industry. Benchmark 5: Kansas 1930’s -1940’s Great Depression; WWII
1.▲ (A) compares agricultural practices before and after the dust storms of the 1930s (i.e., ▲rotation of crops, ▲shelter belts, ▲irrigation, ▲terracing, ▲stubble mulch). 2. (A) uses local resources to describe conditions in his/her community during the Great Depression. 3. (A) researches the contributions of Kansans during the 1930s & 1940s (e.g., Amelia Earhardt, Osa and Martin Johnson, Glenn Cunningham, Walter Chrysler, Langston Hughes, John Steuart Curry, Dwight Eisenhower, Alf Landon, Arthur Capper, Birger Sandzen). 4. (K) summarizes the effects of New Deal programs on 5. (K) explains how World War II acted as a catalyst for change in Kansas (e.g., women entering work force, increased mobility, changing manufacturing practices). Benchmark 6: Contemporary Kansas since 1950
31 SS7-4.6.1 1. (K) analyzes how the concept of “separate but equal is inherently unequal” in regards to the Supreme Court case Brown v. Topeka Board of Education and how it continues to impact the nation. 32 SS7-4.6.2 2. (K) describes major flood control projects in the 33 SS7-4.6.3 3. (A) describes the role of Kansas culture in the dramas of Pulitzer prize-winning playwright William Inge and the writings, photos, and films of Gordon Parks. 34 SS7-4.6.4 4. (A) analyzes the effect of rural depopulation and increased urbanization and suburbanization on Kansas. 35 SS7-4.6.5 5. (K) explains the reasons Southeast Asians immigrated to Kansas after 1975 (e.g., church, community, organizations, jobs, the fall of Southeast Asian governments). 6. (K) identifies issues facing Kansas state government in the 2000s (e.g., economic diversity, global economy, water issues, school funding). Benchmark 7: Engages in historical thinking skills
1. (A) analyze changes over time to make logical inferences concerning cause and effect by examining a topic in Kansas History. KANSAS HISTORY PLANNER
2. ▲ (A) examines different types of primary sources in Kansas history and analyzes them in terms of credibility, purpose, and point of view (i.e., ▲census records, ▲diaries, ▲photographs, ▲letters, ▲government documents). 3. (A) uses at least three primary sources to interpret the impact a person or event from Kansas history to develop an historical narrative. 4. (A) compares different descriptions of the same event in Kansas history to understand how different people might interpret historical events differently. A notation (8-8.5.4A) indicates that this objective is tested on the Kansas Social Studies assessment. The 8 before the dash indicates it is tested at the 8th grade. The 8.5.4 indicates the grade level, benchmark, and indicator where the objective is found in the standards. K indicates it is at the knowledge level; A indicates application level.


Microsoft word - 09_jamieson_comment-on-karpf.docx

Messages, Micro-targeting, and New Media Technologies Final draft of paper to be published in The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics Volume 11, Issue No. 3 (October 2013), p. 429-435. Please note that this is a final draft submitted to The Forum, subject to slight last minute editing by The Forum. Consult the published version for exact quotations. This p


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