
____ airline tickets or e-ticket confirmation ____ cruise documents ____ passports and visas or proof of citizenship (if necessary) ____ vaccination certificate (if required) ____ wallet and fanny pack ____ driver's license and auto insurance card - in case you decide to rent a car when ____ medical insurance cards and medical history (especially if traveling alone)____ another picture ID - if you don't take driver's license ____ credit cards - be sure to call credit card companies before traveling to alert them you are traveling outside your normal area ____ ATM card ____ pre-paid phone card ____ cash or traveler's checks (be sure to keep traveler's checks receipt in separate ____ 3 copies of airline tickets, cruise tickets, passports/visas, itinerary carry on, 1 copy in checked luggage, and leave one copy with someone at home ____ contact numbers to report lost/stolen credit cards or traveler's checks____ emergency numbers at home ____ prescription drugs and any other essential medications in carry on bag____ ear plugs or "ear planes" ____ small first aid kit (band aids, Q-tips, vaseline, dramamine, antibiotic cream, bandages, anti-diarrheal medication, cortisone cream, aspirin/tylenol/advil) ____ Crazy glue ____ bug spray (not for your cabin on the ship, but for those pesky mosquitoes ashore____ sun screen/sun block and lip sunblock ____ germicidal hand cleaner ____ handi-wipes ____ hand lotion ____ rubbing alcohol ____ foot lotion ____ sewing kit and scissors (pack in checked luggage) ____ travel-size Woolite ____ clothes pins ____ empty folding tote bag - for souvenirs ____ hats/caps/visors ____ insulated large coffee mugs ____ binoculars ____ watch ____ glasses, extra contacts, contact lens cleaner and case ____ extra reading glasses ____ sunglasses ____ reading sunglasses ____ guidebooks and other port of call information ____ maps ____ reading material - books to read while on the plane or lounging by the pool____ journal or notebook and pen/pencil - for making notes to tell your friends back ____ business cards with email address to give out to new cruise friends____ home and email addresses of friends/relatives back home - for sending postcards, ____ extra plastic cable-lock ties for securing luggage for return trip (better than locks, ____ extra luggage name tags (in case yours are lost on the outbound trip)____ small travel alarm clock - battery operated ____ lighted dial clock for cruise ship cabin ____ extra plastic cable-lock ties for securing luggage for return trip (better than locks, ____ extra luggage name tags (in case yours are lost on the outbound trip)____ zip loc bags of all sizes and garbage/laundry bags ____ small flashlight ____ night light ____ corkscrew (be sure to put in checked luggage) ____ Swiss Army knife or something similar with screwdriver head, etc. (be sure to put ____ small umbrella ____ collapsible travel pillow for those long airplane flights ____ Digital Camera or Traditional Camera ____ Video Camera ____ Zoom Lenses ____ Tripod ____ Extra film or memory card sticks or video tape ____ Extra batteries or battery charger ____ Walkman, MP3 Player, IPod ____ Laptop ---> Leave it at HOME! You are on vacation!


Duboisset-Broust Lauren et Rybak Julie - Master SETE 2011 Sommaire Introduction I. Les grands laboratoires des pays développés et l’éthique médicale: A. Les caractéristiques des firmes pharmaceutiques et le principe d’éthique :Mécanisme de production des médicamentsLes « me too products » = recherche immédiate de profitLe développement durable dans l’industrie phar

Kommentierung - dr. van egmond-fröhlich - 23 09 10

Adipositas-Abstract-Service Kommentar: Dr. Andreas van Egmond-Fröhlich, SMZ Ost - Donauspital, Abteilung für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Langobardenstraße 122, 1220 Wien Smith, S. R., N. J. Weissman, et al. "Multicenter, placebo-controlled trial of lorcaserin for weight management." , N Engl J Med 363 (3): 245-56. Der ZNS-selektive Serotonin (5HT2C) Rezeptor Agonist

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