IOM Report on the Future of Nursing: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing
Health, was released on October 5, 2010. The 4 key messages are: 1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of education and training; 2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression; 3. Nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health professionals in redesigning health care in the U.S.; and, 4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure. Specific recommendations contained in Part III of the report include: 1. Remove scope of practice barriers; 2. Expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative improvement efforts; 3. Implement nurse residency programs; 4. Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020; 5. Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020; 6. Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning; 7. Prepare and enable nurses to lead change to advance health; and, 8. Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis on interprofessional health care workforce data.
Census Bureau: Uninsured Rose to 16.7% in 2009: The percentage of uninsured
individuals rose to 16.7% , or 50.7 million people, in 2009, up from 15.4% , or 46.3 million people, in 2008, according to data released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The number of people with health insurance decreased for the first time since 1987, the first year that similar health insurance data were collected, to 253.6 million in 2009 from 255.1 million in 2008. The number of people with private health insurance decreased to 194.5 million in 2009 from 201.0 million in 2008, while the num ber of people with government health insurance increased to 93.2 million from 87.4 million. The percentage of children under age 18 without health insurance remained stable at 10% , or 7.5 million, in 2009 compared to 9.9% in 2008. The findings are part of "Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009," which is based on 2010 data from the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement. For more information, please CMS Updates Health Spending Estimates to Reflect Health Reform: The Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) projected national health spending will grow an average 6.3% annually through 2019. That's 0.2 percentage points faster than projected in February due to health care reform and other recently enacted legislation. The agency projects health care will account for 19.6% of gross domestic product by 2019, 0.3 percentage points higher than anticipated before reform. Assuming a 23% physician payment cut takes effect in December 2010 and COBRA premium subsidies expire, CMS expects spending grow th to slow from 5.1% in 2010 to 4.2% in 2011. It expects spending to rise by 9.2% in 2014, largely due to expansions of health coverage through Medicaid and the state health insurance exchanges. By 2019, private health coverage is expected to account for 32% of national health spending. Government administrative costs for health reform are estimated at $71.1 billion through 2019. For more information, Study: 28% of New Health Problems Treated in Emergency Departments: More than one-
quarter of outpatient visits for new health problems or chronic condition flare-ups are made to emergency departments, according to a new study published today in Health Affairs.
Between 2001 and 2004, primary care physicians treated 42% of these "acute-care" visits, w hile emergency departments treated 28% , specialists 20% , and hospital outpatient departments 7% , the study found. Two-thirds of these ED visits took place on weekends or after office hours. The study used three federal surveys to analyze nearly 354 million annual outpatient visits for newly arising health problems. For more information, please Tool Helps Hospitals Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance: The Joint Com m ission Center for
Transforming Healthcare released an interactive tool to help hospitals improve hand hygiene. Created by eight hospitals and health care systems, the center's first Targeted Solutions Tool provides a step-by-step process to measure hand-hygiene perform ance, identify barriers to excellent performance and implement proven solutions. The first eight participants improved their average hand-hygiene com pliance rate from 48% to 82% .
Nineteen other hospitals, ranging from small to large, are now experiencing similar gains.
As the center tackles other issues such as wrong site surgery, surgical site infections and hand-off communications, the solutions developed by the projects will be incorporated into Center for Nursing Excellence in Long-Term Care Launched: The Honor Society of Nursing,
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) in Indianapolis, announced the launch of the Center for Nursing Excellence in Long-Term Care. STTI, in collaboration with the Hartford Centers of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, skilled nursing facilities, national providers, trade associations and geriatric consumer groups, is developing a portfolio of products and services that aims to help registered nurses take stronger leadership roles within long-term RW JF Brief Describes School Nursing Disparities, Possible Improvements: A recent brief
from Robert W ood Johnson Foundation’s (RW JF) Charting Nursing’s Future series, "Unlocking the Potential of School Nursing: Keeping Children Healthy, in School, and Ready to Learn," describes dramatic disparities in the availability of services and highlights policies and funding strategies. Half of the nation's schools lack a full-time registered nurse. The brief profiles a disparate group of funding approaches for school nurses, including a taxation mechanism in Miami; publicly and privately funded grants in Mississippi; and partnerships with a healthcare provider in Austin, Texas; an insurer in Minneapolis; and a nursing school in Boston. For more information, please see: STATE ISSUES
7th Biennial Legislative Communication Conference: This conference, which has proceeded
the past seven legislative sessions was held October 5, 2010 in Austin. Speakers included Representative Jim Pitts, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Senator Kirk W atson, Representative Lois Kolkhorst, and Senator Leticia Van de Putte. Also speaking were staff from state leadership offices, staff of state agencies, and political journalists. Most speakers predict that the State Budget, redistricting, and the Sunset Review of over 20 agencies w ill occupy the majority of the session. The State’s budget shortfall estimates vary considerably between $11 to $18 billion but the Comptroller’s Office will not release the formal revenue estimate until January 2011.
Fraudulent Nursing Educational Program Update: The Texas W orkforce Com m ission (TW C)
issued Cease and Desist Orders in February 2008 to the following schools: Vocational Training Educational Center or VTEC The OAG obtained a default judgment against VTEC in January 2009; against IF Tech in February 2009; and against Career Advanced in May 2010.
Therefore, three fraudulent nursing program have been issued a permanent injunction. In each instance, the judge issued the maximum amount of monetary sanctions to the Merit Excellence Institute no longer has a presence in Texas. It appears that Merit discontinued operations subsequent to the 2008 TW C Cease and Desist Order.
A sixth school, Omnibus International, was identified as operating in Texas in Spring 2009 and was issued a Cease and Desist Order in May 2009. Although TW C proceedings have successfully postpone actual hearings.
As discussed at the July 2010 Board meeting, Board staff was scheduled to appear at the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) trial against Esther Medical Tutorial on July 27, 2010 in Dallas, Texas. However, court proceedings against Esther’s were once again re- scheduled. Board staff anticipates appearing and testifying as an expert witness when In addition, Board staff was asked to testify at the September 24, 2010 Texas W orkforce Commission (TW C) hearing to uphold the Cease and Desist Order issued to Omnibus International in May 2009. The hearing was postponed.
There have been no additional reports to the Board regarding the presence of fraudulent Health Professions Council: The Health Professions Council (HPC) met on September 13,
2010 for its regular quarterly meeting. Agencies have prepared their Legislative Appropriations Requests. The Regulatory Data Base Project, which provides new licensure, discipline, and other tracking functions for four of the agencies continues toward implementation with delay of the “Go Live” date until later in the fall. BOARD ISSUES
BON Bulletin Articles : The October issue of the Board of Nursing Bulletin contains an
article on the NCSBN Regulatory Achievem ent Award to the Texas Board of Nursing in August 2010; an article on best practices in Patient Safety in an emergency department; and an article on the new continuing competency requirements. Board Development: At each board meeting, a board development session is held. Board
development on the NCLEX exam inations has been postponed. Pursuant to discussions with Richard Gibbs, Board Development Liaison, at this meeting staff w ho are conducting research and doing projects involving the Board of Nursing will present their research and AGENCY ISSUES
Nursing Jurisprudence Examination: The Jurisprudence examination required for initial
licensure by Texas Occupations Code Section 301.252, License Application, was implemented in September 2008. Access to the Board’s examination is available through the website, . Those applying for initial licensure by exam or endorsement after September 1, 2008 must pass the Jurisprudence Exam in
order to be eligible for licensure. Attached are statistics for Jurisprudence exam takers for fiscal year 2010. (See Attachment A).
Online Jurisprudence Prep Course: The number of participants for the online jurisprudence
prep course in this quarter was: July - 289, August - 367, September - 318; for a total of 974. The total participants for FY 2010 was 4,075. This level of participation is consistent with our past experience with this program.
W ebsite: The following changes/updates have been made to the Board’s website since
· Updating of all the statistical information to reflect 09/2010 data.
· Addition of New Six-Step Decision-Making Model Poster (created by DADS – 08/2010).
· Posting of the Guidelines for Physical and Psychological Evaluations adopted · Posting of the pdf (printer friendly) version of the Disciplinary Guidelines for Criminal · Posting of 09/2010 Rules and Regulations booklet.
· Posting of Proposed (217.6 & 217.9) and Adopted Rules (216.1 & 216.3).
· Addition of option to Application Status Check for APRN applicants.
· Addition of position statement: 15.26 Simulation in Prelicensure Nursing Education.
· Addition of practice FAQ - Training of Military Personnel in Civilian Hospitals.
Key Meetings and Presentations: attended/presented by the Executive Director and Staff
since the last Board meeting:
Katherine Thomas meetings, conference calls, and presentations
Conference Call: Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators meeting, July 19, 2010.
Conference Call: NCSBN Chemical Dependency Program Committee, July 26, 2010.
Meeting: Texas Team meeting, August 4, 2010, Austin.
Conference Call: Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators Executive Committee meeting, Meeting: Texas Nurses Association staff to discuss Nursing Practice Act, August 5, 2010, Meeting: W ith representatives of St. Philips College, August 6, 2010, Austin.
Meeting: NCSBN Board of Directors, August 9, 2010, Portland, OR.
Conference: Executive Officer Coaching meeting, August 10, 2010, Portland, OR.
Meeting: Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators, August 10, 2010, Portland, OR.
Meeting: NCSBN Annual Meeting and Delegate Assembly, August 11-13, 2010, Portland, W ebinar: for the East Texas Region by the Texas Team, August 17, 2010.
W ebinar: for the Gulf Coast Region by the Texas Team, August 26, 2010.
Testimony: Public Hearing on the agency budget to staff of the Legislative Budget Board and Governor’s Office, September 1, 2010, Austin.
Conference Call: with Utah, Iowa, and Idaho to discuss APRN Compact Implementation, Meeting: NCSBN Board of Directors, September 8-10, 2010, Chicago.
Meeting: Health Professions Council Quarterly meeting, September 13, 2010, Austin.
Conference Call: NCSBN Chemical Dependency Committee, September 16, 2010.
Conference Call: Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators Executive Committee, Meeting: with staff of Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses, to discuss data collection, October 8, 2010, Austin.
Conference: 7th Biennial Legislative Communication Conference, October 5, 2010, Meeting: Texas Center for Nursing W orkforce Studies Advisory Committee meeting, Meeting: Deans and Directors, October 15, 2010, Austin.
Mark Majek:
Meeting: NCLEX Invitational, September 13, 2010, Atlanta, GA.
Presentation: Case Management Society of America, October 7, 2010, Houston.
Presentation: International Bilingual Nurses Association, October 14, 2010, Dallas.
Presentation: National Federation of LPNs, October 22, 2010, Birmingham, AL.
Nursing Department:
Presentation: The Education Consultants, New D&D Orientation W orkshop, August Presentation: Virginia Ayars and Robin Caldwell, Inform ational Session on Starting New Educational Programs, August 18, 2010, Austin. W ebinar: Melinda Hester, The Registered Nurse in the School Setting to Laredo Independent School District nurses, August 9, 2010.
Presentation: The Practice Consultants, Texas Board of Nursing: Protecting Your Patients and Your Practice, August 18-19, 2010, Houston W orkshop. Presentation: The Practice Consultants, Texas Board of Nursing: Protecting Your Patients and Your Practice (this workshop was designed for nurses who are employed by governmental entities, i.e.: military, HHSC, DSHS, DADS, DFPS, county and city health depts., school nurses, nursing faculty, TYC, UTMB/TTU Correctional Health, etc.), September 24, 2010, Austin W orkshop.
Presentation: Mary Beth Thomas, Update Your Knowledge - New Texas Regulations, Legislation and Policies - Texas Nurses Association Leadership Conference, September 23, Presentation: Mary Beth Thomas, Perceptions of RN Sanctioned by a Board of Nursing: Individual, Healthcare Team, Patient and System Factors to Errors, Sigma Theta Tau Leadership Summit, October 16, 2010, Arlington, TX.
Presentation: Mary Beth Thomas, Perceptions of RN Sanctioned by a Board of Nursing: Individual, Healthcare Team , Patient and System Factors to Errors, Seton Family of Hospital Nursing Symposium, October 22, 2010, Austin.
Quarterly Statistics W here Executive Director Closed Cases in Compliance with Board Policy: Case Resolution Report
June 1, 2010 through August 31, 2010
Type of Action
Cases W here Executive Director Offered and Entered Ordered Orders in Com pliance with Board Policy: LVN DISCIPLINARY ORDERS
Time frame: June 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010 DISCIPLINARY
25 Subm itted an Application/Renewal Docum ent in which false, deceptive, and/or m isleading inform ation was given by failing to disclose a crim inal history 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Illegal Redem ption - Food Stam p Benefits 1 W ent on hom e visits identifying him self as an em ployee of the Hom e Health Care Agency, when he was 1 Falsified inform ation on the Texas Index Level of Effort assessm ent of several residents 1 Altered m edication/treatm ent records 1 Inappropriately used photocopies of nursing note form s to docum ent care begin provided to patients 1 W ithdrew Versed and Hydrocodone for patient not assigned to her care 1 Falsified agency records by docum enting a PRN hom e visit not done 1 Falsified docum entation subm itted to a state surveyor REM EDIAL EDUCATION
1 Failed to ensure the com petencies of nursing staff 1 Failed to accurately assess and tim ely intervene when a patient was experiencing changes in condition 1 Gave a cup of pills to a CNA and instructed the CNA to adm inister them 1 Failed to m aintain appropriate therapeutic nurse-patient boundaries 1 Failed to accurately assess a client; failed to com plete an adequate focused assessm ent 1 Signed out controlled substances for patients but inaccurately docum ented the adm inistration 1 Failed to correctly fill the m edication box 1 Convicted of five counts of Issuance of a Bad Check 1 Rem oved 1 Morphine SR 15m g and one Morphine 10m g but failed to docum ent the adm inistration; 1 Failed to docum ent the adm inistration of fluid flushes via the nasogastric tube of the patient 1 Adm inistered Novolog, rapid acting insulin in excess of physician’s order 2 Accessed m edical records of a resident not under her care 1 Neglected and/or contributed to the neglect of a resident 1 Failed to assess and evaluate or institute the appropriate nursing intervention required to stabilize a patient 1 Granted a deferred judgm ent for the felony offense of Insurance Fraud 1 Erroneously docum ented in the m edical record that a patient had been transported via wheelchair, but failed to ensure that patient was in fact transported via wheelchair 1 Failed to assure that physician was notified of elevated cardiac enzym es 1 Adm inistered in incorrect dose of m edication 1 Failed to provide privacy and violated a residents rights by rem oving the residents clothes VOLUNTARY SURRENDER
6 Noncom pliance with previous Board Order 1 Rem oved Robaxin from the stock m edication to give to a co-worker without authorization 1 Misappropriated a sharps container from the facility; adm itted to m isappropriation of m edications; Intem perate use of Meperidine, Popoxyphene and Norm eperidine 1 Lacked fitness to practice by showing signs of im pairm ent; attem pted to infuse a Chem otherapy drug into 1 Subm itted a fraudulent prescription for Fluoxetine, Azithrom ycin, and Levothyroxine 1 Lacked fitness to practice in that she did not realize she had a patient to m onitor; adm itted to inpatient treatm ent for drug dependence and m ental health issues 1 Deferred judgm ent for the felony offense of Obtain Drugs by Fraud - Sch III/IV 1 Intem perate use of Morphine and Marijuana 1 Lacked fitness to practice in that her breath sm elled of alcohol, she was distraught, and her eyes were red 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Engaging in Organized Crim e - Aggregate Theft 1 Obtained 30 Norco tabs by instructing an em ployee her supervision to telephonically com m unicate a 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance 1 May have lacked fitness in that Respondent was diagnosed and treated for bi-polar disorder 2 Deferred judgm ent for the felony offense of Possession of Controlled Substance 3 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 15 Subm itted a statem ent of Voluntary Surrender TPAPN BOARD ORDER
2 Entered treatm ent for prescription m edication abuse 1 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 1 W ithdrew Morphine and Hydrocodone without a valid physician’s order and failed to docum ent the adm inistration or follow policy and procedure for proper wastage; m isappropriation of Morphine; intem perate use of Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Hydrom orphone, Morphine and Propoxyphene 1 W ithdrew m edications without physician’s orders; Intem perate use of Norco 1 Misappropriation and Intem perate use of Meperidine and Hydrom orphone 1 Intem perate use of Hydrocodone and Morphine 1 Intem perate use of Bezodiazepines and Opiates 1 Obtained Vicodin from a pharm acy under her own nam e through the use of fraudulent oral or telephonically com m unicated prescription 1 Misappropriation of Hydrocodone; addiction to Opiates 1 Intem perate use of Xanax; experienced thoughts of suicide while on duty 2 Convicted of two counts of Driving W hile Intoxicated LVN ENDORSEMENT/PETITIONER DISCIPLINARY ORDERS
Time frame: June 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010 ENDORSEM ENTS
4 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 3 Non disclosure of Crim inal History or Disciplinary Action on Application for Licensure by Endorsem ent APPLICANTS/ PETITIONERS
1 Convicted of the state jail felony offense of Fraudulent Use of Possession of Identifying Inform ation 1 Deferred sentence for the m isdem eanor offense of Assault and convicted of Retail Fraud 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Credit Card Abuse, and three counts of the m isdem eanor offense of 1 Convicted of three m isdem eanor counts and one felony count of Driving W hile Intoxicated 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Credit Card Abuse 1 Entered an outpatient treatm ent facility 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Counterfeiting - Passing and m isdem eanor Resisting Officer 1 Charged with six counts of W orthless Check 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Forgery by Possession of a Check with Intent to Pass 1 Convicted of Crim inal Mischief and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; entered a recovery treatm ent 1 Convicted of two m isdem eanor counts and one felony count of Driving W hile Intoxicated 2 Convicted of two counts of Driving W hile Intoxicated 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Credit Card Abuse 1 Charged with the felony offenses of Solicitation to Possess or Use a Dangerous Drug and Credit Card 1 Convicted of Disorderly Conduct, Theft of Property, Issuance of a Bad Check, Public Intoxication and 1 Convicted of one count of Driving W hile Intoxicated and granted a deferred sentence for one count of 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Bank Fraud 1 Deferred sentence for the state jail felony offense of Debit Card Abuse 1 Deferred sentence for the state jail felony offense of Securing Execution of Docum ent by Deception 1 Convicted of three counts of Crim inal Dam age to Property, Deceptive Practice and Zero Tolerance 2 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Marijuana 3 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Possession of Marijuana 1 Convicted of the offenses of False Personation, Entering or Refusing to Leave property, Resisting Arrest, Sim ple Assault, and two counts of Driving W hile Under the Influence 447 No Grounds for Denial/Youthful Indiscretion Cases W here Executive Director Offered and Entered Ordered Orders in Com pliance with Board Policy: RN DISCIPLINARY ORDERS
Time frame: June 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010 DISCIPLINARY
18 Subm itted an Application/Renewal Docum ent in which false, deceptive, and/or m isleading inform ation was given by failing to disclose a crim inal history 1 W ithdrew Versed and Hydrocodone for patient not assigned to her care 2 Violated patient confidentiality and privacy 2 Practiced nursing without a valid license 1 Failed to obtain consent from newborn patient’s m other prior to feeding her baby form ula REM EDIAL EDUCATION
1 Failed to docum ent the condition of a patient after follow-up assessm ents 1 Failed to follow proper wastage procedures; adm inistered m edication incorrectly 1 Failed to assess and intervene in a tim ely m anner; crossed boundaries of nurse/client relationship 1 Incorrectly infused intravenous fluids at wrong rate; failed to docum ent Vital signs on post-operative patient 1 Failed to call Em ergency Medical Services 911 as requested by the resident’s fam ily 1 Left nursing assignm ent without perm ission leaving 4 infants in her care unattended 1 Failed to care adequately for a patient by continuing to adm inister tablets to a patient who was having 1 Accessed m edical records for a resident not under her care 1 Assigned an LVN to a four year old tracheostom y and ventilator dependent patient without the necessary education, experience or knowledge to care for the patient 1 Inappropriately assigned duties to an LVN outside their scope of practice 1 Failed to ensure the com petencies of nursing staff 1 Re-inserted a Foley catheter in a patient after the order was discontinued by the physician 1 Failed to verify the Medication Adm inistration Records with the physician’s orders prior to adm inistering the 3 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority VOLUNTARY SURRENDER
2 Noncom pliance with previous Board Order 1 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 1 Convicted of Indecency W ith a Child by Sexual Contact 1 Misappropriated m arketing m aterials by accessing and copying them 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Robbery by Assault with Butcher Knife 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Unlawful Delivery of a Controlled Substance 1 Failed to assess and intervene when patient was having trouble breathing and coughing up blood 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance 1 Violated professional boundaries of nurse/client relationship 1 Convicted of Driving W hile Intoxicated x 3, Possession of Dangerous Drugs and Public Intoxication 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Engaging in Organized Crim e - Aggregate Theft 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Possession of Controlled Substance 1 Lacked fitness to practice by showing signs of im pairm ent; attem pted to infuse a Chem otherapy drug into 20 Subm itted a statem ent of Voluntary Surrender TPAPN BOARD ORDER
1 Misappropriation and Intem perate use of Hydrocodone 1 Misappropriation of m edications including but not lim ited to Nubian 1 Abandoned a patient; withdrew Dem erol for four patients with no physician’s orders for Dem erol; Adm itted 1 Intem perate use of Marijuana and Morphine 1 Misappropriated Dem erol and Stadol; Intem perate use of Alcohol 1 Intem perate use of Hydrocodone and Morphine 2 Convicted of two counts of Driving W hile Intoxicated 1 Intem perate use of Bezodiazepines and Opiates 1 Self adm itted herself for treatm ent for addiction to prescription m edication 1 Misappropriated Norco; Intem perate use of Oxazepam 1 Adm itted to treatm ent for chem ical dependency 1 Obtained Vicodin from a pharm acy under her own nam e through the use of fraudulent oral or telephonically com m unicated prescription 1 W ithdrew m edications in excess of or without a valid physician’s orders 1 Misappropriation and Intem perate use of Meperidine and Hydrom orphone 1 W ithdrew m edications without physician’s orders; Intem perate use of Norco 1 Misappropriation and Intem perate use of Fentanyl and Versed 1 Intem perate use of Cocaine and Morphine; Misappropriation of Morphine 1 Misappropriation and of Baclofen and Vicodin; Intem perate use of Alcohol and Baclofen RN ENDORSEMENT/PETITIONER DISCIPLINARY ORDERS
Time frame: June 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010 ENDORSEM ENTS
10 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 1 Charged with the m isdem eanor offenses of Driving W hile Intoxicated, Resisting Arrest, Driving Under the 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Tam pering with Governm ent Records, License, Seal 1 Diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder 1 Misappropriated a credit card belonging to a resident 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offense of Attem pted Forgery, three counts of Interference with Parental Control; and Driving W hile License Invalid; Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Theft 6 Non disclosure of Crim inal History or Disciplinary Action on Application for Licensure by Endorsem ent 1 Convicted of Battery with Injury, Public Intoxication x 2, Operating a Vehicle W hile Intoxicated APPLICANTS/ PETITIONERS
8 Non disclosure of Crim inal History or Disciplinary Action on Application for Licensure by Exam ination 1 Deferred sentence for two counts of the state jail felony offense of Forgery 1 Pre-Trial Diversion for the m isdem eanor offense of Possession of a Dangerous Drug 1 Convicted of Failure to Identify a Fugitive from Justice, two counts of m isdem eanor and two counts of felony Driving W hile Intoxicated, and two counts of Driving W hile License Suspended 1 Convicted of two counts of Driving W hile Intoxicated 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Possession of Marijuana 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Forgery of a Financial Instrum ent and Fraud Use Possession 1 Convicted of felony Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Possession of a Controlled Substance x 3 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Em bezzlem ent from Federally Insured Financial Institution 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offense of Assault 1 Deferred sentence for Driving W hile Intoxicated; entered treatm ent for substance abuse 1 Convicted of two counts of Driving W hile Intoxicated and one count of Assault 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Unlawful Possession of Metham phetam ine 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offense of Failure to ID and granted a deferred sentence for two count of 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Credit Card Abuse 1 Convicted of Attem pt to Possess Vapor and Forgery with W ritten Instrum ent 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Carrying a W eapon on a License Prem ise and the m isdem eanor offense of Driving W hile Intoxicated 2 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance 1 Convicted of the felony offenses of Theft by Taking and Theft by Receiving 1 Deferred sentence for Driving W hile Intoxicated and convicted of Driving W hile Intoxicated 1 Convicted of Harassm ent, Disorderly Conduct, Driving W hile Ability Im paired, Driving Under the Influence, 1 Deferred sentence for felony Burglary of Habitation 1 Convicted of Possession of Marijuana and Fraud Possession of Controlled Substance/Prescription 1 Convicted of felony Theft, m isdem eanor Resisting Arrest, Assault, Obstructing Police, Soliciting and 1 Convicted of felony Force Assault with a Deadly W eapon not a Firearm 1 Disciplinary action taken by another licensing authority 1 Convicted of two counts of the m isdem eanor offense of Driving W hile Intoxicated and one count of Public 1 Convicted of the felony offense of Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offenses of Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Operating a Vehicle W hile 1 Convicted of two counts of m isdem eanor Possession of Marijuana 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offense of Driving W hile Intoxicated and two counts of Resisting Arrest 1 Convicted of the m isdem eanor offense of Driving W hile intoxicated x 2, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Marijuana, and Driving W hile License Suspended 1 Deferred sentence for the felony offense of Arson 1 Convicted of two felony counts and one m isdem eanor count of Theft of Property 550 No Grounds for Denial/Youthful Indiscretion Board of Nursing - Statistical Report FY 2010 Nursing Jurisprudence Exam
NJE - Breakdown by Applicant Group


Microsoft word - preparo colono 1330.doc

Gastroclin – Clínica de Endoscopia Digestiva e Gastroenterologia Rua Santo Antônio, 630 – 4º e 6º andares - Centro ORIENTAÇÕES PARA O PREPARO Exame: Colonoscopia Diagnóstica ou Terapêutica (período tarde) Data do Exame: ______/______/ __________ . Hora : 13:30 h Médico responsável: Dr. Frederico Almeida Baptista de Oliveira CRM: 21.346 IMPORTANTE A Colonoscopia é

NOVEDADES INTERNACIONALES Y NACIONALES EN SEGURIDAD DE MEDICAMENTOS - MARZO 2012 INTERNACIONALES DE AGENCIAS REGULATORIAS ORLISTAT (Xenical) – Tratamiento de la obesidad - Categoría X de embarazo (FDA, EEUU, 02/2012) La agencia norteamericana ha incluido al embarazo entre las contraindicaciones del producto Xenical, considerando al Orlistat como droga X, según la

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